1. Accept rules
  2. Your details
  3. Confirm email
  4. Our review

Some ground rules.

These are set and enforced by the port87.social moderators.

  1. No hate speech. This include slurs and hateful tropes about marginalized groups.
  2. You must be 16 or older to access this server. This is not a place for kids.
  3. Do not harass other users. Disagreements and spirited or even heated discussion is fine, but brigading, doxxing, threatening, or engaging in other harassing behavior is not.
  4. Do not post illegal content. (Anything that would be considered illegal under the laws of the USA.)
  5. Do not post photographs or artwork depicting minors in a sexually suggestive nature.
  6. If you want to host a bot on this server, it must be approved by either @hperrin or @dave first.
  7. Pornography and excessive gore are allowed if and only if you mark the media as sensitive.
  8. Do not threaten anyone with violence. This includes other users, non-users, public officials, and celebrities.